UPDATE to: Aloha! Hawaii caters to "Haves", "Have-more" while flying (forcing) the "Have-less" & "Have-not" off islands - www.Houseless.org

Officials are concerned about a voluntary Department of Human Services program that would fly homeless people back to the mainland.

Hawaii may implement a program that will allow homeless people to get a free flight back to the mainland. 

M Sweet/Getty Images/Flickr RM

A program that would fly homeless people in Hawaii back to the mainland is being greeted with skepticism by officials and groups that help the homeless.

A provision allowing the state Department of Human Services to run a voluntary “return to home” program is included in a new state law. The department said it doesn’t have immediate plans to implement the program, but officials still are worried.

“It’s encouraging people on the mainland to take a chance in coming to Hawaii, knowing they can be returned,” said Marc Alexander of the Institute for Human Services, the top homeless service provider in the state.

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Lest we not forget!

15th St. and M St. in DC, "The Houseless" at http://Houseless.net

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